Wishing you the 7 C’s

To enjoy ”being” good in all your “doing” well over the next year, the team at BIG hopes your holiday stocking bulges at the seams with these 7 C gifts!

Character…You walk the talk for being good and doing well. Your ethics and integrity are above reproach because you’re authentic, honest, transparent and have a moral center. You radiate positive energy and determination. You’re self-disciplined. You treat those with and those without power the same. You invite the elephant in the room to dance. Continue reading


Heartbeats, spreadsheets and good leaders

Do you hear these agitated, frustrated, concerned whispers at your workplace…I don’t know how to do any more with less. I just can’t work any harder. No one seems to care. Is my job next? Does anyone care about me as person, or is it all about the bottom line?

Are you hearing similar words in your head as you contemplate your career future in these still tumultuous times?

With the job market still unstable, be gentle with yourself. Nurture your skills, pay attention to your feelings, reach out for support. Take time to laugh, to play, to reflect, to rejoice.

For those whom you lead, embed a heartbeat in your spreadsheet – accountability and performance, to be sure; but liberally sprinkle genuine caring, heartfelt laughter and time for talking and sharing, too.

What greater sign of illustrious leadership could there be today than someone who takes/makes the stand that they are leading from the head…and the heart, too.


Leaders - An Instinct for We

Powerful and effective leaders seem to have a natural instinct for thinking more about we and less about me:

•They bring a team-oriented approach to achieving results, a spirit of “we’re all in this together” rather than a “me-centered” style where all that matters is the spotlight on them.

•They use a win-win approach for managing conflict, looking for positive outcomes that move the best interests of the business and employees forward versus functioning in the “I win-You lose” arena where their personal achievement and career advancement is their motivating force.

•They recognize the contributions of others, understanding that the unique contributions of each individual play a role in bringing about desired visions and results and avoid singing the “I-I-I-I-I-I” song.”

•They look for the small wins and share the joy instead of accepting nothing less than perfection and feeling regret and failure when the outcomes fall short of perfection.

•They are humble, not afraid to say thank you or laugh or shed a tear in a moving, inspiring moment instead of operating as some robotic life form devoid of empathy and compassion.

•They understand people want to be valued and tap into the power of heart at every business opportunity versus functioning solely in the realm of logic where there’s no place for emotion.

•They know that leadership is a mindset and a heart direction and not just a job title or place in the organizational hierarchy.

What’s your view?

The task of leadership is not to put greatness into people, but to elicit it, for the greatness is there already. ~John Buchan


Goodness on the inside

“All I could look at in the meeting was Eric’s nose! It’s so big I can’t believe it!”

“I know, he reminds me so much of a clown that I just can’t take him seriously.”

No doubt, appearance is an important business element. Being well-groomed and presenting a professional image is part of the business success package.

Can’t and don’t dispute that.

Yet, despite what media and movies might want us to believe, inner beauty must count for more. Right?

Shouldn’t we look for the goodness on the inside despite what the outer package looks like?  Won’t we find the richness and real depth of character there?

What’s your thought?


Musings on authencity and connection

I spent my Black Friday morning pondering the residue from a couple great conversations, some prior writing and some traveling reading. 

Lots of noodling, no solutions…

We crave connection.  We hold sincerity and authenticity in high esteem.  We want to trust and be trusted. We want to give and receive compassion. Yet, these attributes seem (in my opinion!) to be in short supply in the business world (particularly corporate America). 

I sat at a table where rich food and wine were in abundance, and obsequious attendance, but sincerity and truth were not; and I went away hungry from the inhospitable board.     ~Thoreau

Could it be because…

…we’re so focused on our own personal agenda that we skip assisting others? Daniel Goleman offers this as a possible theory.

…we feel inadequate to offer guidance, direction or assistance to others?

…we’re under pressure to perform, to deliver short-term results and use that to justify impersonal interactions, thinking that the ends justify the means?

…we’re caught in the societal trap of soulless success, celebrity and/or financial gain?

 …we’ve made an art form out of Groucho Marx’s comment “The secret to life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.” 

…or perhaps I’ve got it all wrong:  we don’t crave connection; we don’t hold sincerity and authenticity in high esteem; we don’t want to trust and be trusted; and we don’t want to give and receive compassion.

What say you?


