
Go For It!

Looking to get your workplace mojo kick-started? Want to work smarter? Here you'll find information and inspiration as Get Your BIG On features (in its sometimes serendipitous and sometimes purposeful way):

  • a nugget (or two) of workplace wisdom
  • WorkBIG career wit, wisdom and adventures
  • a must-read something, or
  • an individual or company making a positive impact in balancing people, principles and profit.

A Good Read:  InsideOut Enneagram: The Game Changing Guide for Leaders

Ever traveled to a new city and explored its riches and intricacies with a knowledgeable tour guide? It's a totally positive experience. Wendy Appel offers that same rewarding experience in her new book, InsideOut Enneagram: The Game Changing Guide for Leaders, for anyone on a journey to be a better leader. Understanding one's self – strengths, weaknesses, blind spots and shadows – is foundational for effectively leading others. The Enneagram is an beneficial tool for building that self-awareness. Wendy provides a rich trove insights and ways to help leaders (both formal and informal) use the Enneagram to plumb the heights and depths of their types and triads.

Getting Tough Empathy Right: Why Should Anyone Be Led by You

As anyone who has ever supervised others knows all too well, it's hard work being a good boss. It's a bit like being Goldilocks. You don't want to be too hard or too soft. This excellent article offers some valuable insights on how to get the balance between task completion and relationship building just right.

Getting Right About Being a Boss: Thinking Like a Good Boss

This HBR post, 12 Things Good Bosses Believe, by Bob Sutton, professor of management science and engineering at Stanford University and the author of Good Boss, Bad Boss, caught our attention. The BIG team loved #7. Send us a note and let us know which one you liked best!

Workplace Tips: Work Smart

Scott Belsky's posts on Fast Company are a great resource for working folks. Whether you work from home or head off to an office, factory, etc. every day, you'll find posts chock-a-block full of insights to keep you on track...or spur you in a whole new direction.


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