Dealing with On-Camera Anxiety & Nerves

Manoush Zomorodi is the author of Camera Ready: How to Present Your Best Self and Ideas On Air or Online. Learn more about Manoush on her website  or ebook; connect with her via  Facebook and Twitter.

silencing inner criticWith the popularity of TedTalks, Slideshare, GoogleHangouts and Skype, presentations are everywhere. If you haven’t been doing them already, sooner or later you’ll be asked to show off what you know either onstage or on camera.

This is a debilitating prospect for many of us. I know so many people who are great 1-on-1 or in a small group, but get them in front of a big room and they either freeze up or turn into the most boring, monotone person on the planet. Continue reading


How To Interview Someone On Camera

Today’s guest writer is Manoush Zomorodi, author of Camera Ready: How to Present Your Best Self and Ideas On Air or Online.  Manoush’s on-camera expertise comes from years of producing and reporting for BBC News, Reuters Television, and other media outlets. She moderates conferences on digital technology, hosts live video events, and does media coaching.

Every interview is an exercise in psychology, with YOU playing the therapist.

Here are techniques to get the best responses when you need someone to spill their guts or just explain something, on camera and in full sentences, whether it’s for a corporate video, your website, or YouTube.

