Women BIG: Nov/Dec 2011 elearning

Recharge Your Moxie

Brain research teaches us that stress in women affects their cerebral cortex, which is home to their creativity and problem-solving abilities.This fun and fast-paced workshop will help you pick up some new tools for your performance toolkit so you can recharge your moxie (one's ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage)!

When: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 2:00 PM ET. Please click here for more details and to enroll.

Leading Up: A Woman's Perspective

Do you need access to the male decision-making hierarchy within your organization but know that a different language is spoken there? Hoping for a promotion yet not sure how to impress the "higher ups?" Do you want to expand your sphere of influence within the organization, yet finding it hard to do so? If so, you'll find solid answers and helpful advice in this leadership development workshop, one with a decidedly women-in-business point of view!

When: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 10 AM ET. Please click here to learn more and to enroll.

Influence and Connection

Influence is determined by one's ability to make an appeal for action based on logic, emotion or a sense of cooperation, or some combination of all three. Your ability to successfully get work done with and through other people is shaped by your learned skills in being influential.

When: Thursday, December 15, 2011 12 PM Noon ET. For more details and to enroll, click here.


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