Posted on July 5th, 2011 by admin
Happy Fourth of July! Many entrepreneurs ask me questions about SEO and websites. This weekend while celebrating the Fourth I gathered with some fellow entrepreneurs and we discussed our websites. While I am no expert I love to share what I know and the tools I have found helpful. One tool I love is Hubspots’s [...]
Filed under: Branding, Business Success, Entrepreneur, Get Your Big On, Give Big, Hootsuite, Innovation, inventrepreneur, Life long Learning, little tips for starting big!, Marketing | 3 Comments »
Posted on June 13th, 2011 by admin
I read a statistic from Laura Dugan of Mediabistro about Twitter that surprised me: 92 percent of people have heard of Twitter but only 8 percent are using it. I have found that I have met and networked with more entrepreneurs from my time on Twitter than almost any other mechanism. I find myself wondering what percentage of the [...]
Filed under: Branding, Business Success, Entrepreneur, Marketing, Social Media | No Comments »
Posted on April 13th, 2011 by admin
Over the last two weeks I have been inundated with stories of entrepreneurs who are Starting BIG! I find myself inspired daily by the stories I am receiving. Many have overcome major obstacles. This week I featured one of those big stories as my pick of the week on I thought I would share his [...]
Filed under: Build your Biz, Business Success, Committed Execution, Entrepreneur, Get Your Big On, Innovation, Invention, inventrepreneur, Marketing, Right Product, Start Big | No Comments »
Posted on February 26th, 2011 by admin
You have decided to start a business, you are excited about the prospect. You are passionate about your business idea. But there is so much to do. How do you make time to execute your business idea and market your idea at the same time. You may have limited financial resources or the resources you have [...]
Filed under: Build the Buzz, Buzz, Entrepreneur, Get Your Big On, Hootsuite, Linked In, Market Opportunity, Marketing, Social Media, Start Big, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Posted on February 22nd, 2011 by admin
Right Product + Market Opportunity +Committed Execution= Success Many people ask me what is the key to my success as a business owner. I look to the formula that my dad passed down to me. He would say you need to have a product that people need. Elaborating that not only do you need a product [...]
Filed under: Business Success, Colonel Deed, Committed Execution, Entrepreneur, Formula, Get Your Big On, Harvard Business School, Innovation, Invention, Inventor, Life long Learning, Market Opportunity, Marketing, Right Product, Start Big | No Comments »
Posted on February 21st, 2011 by admin
According to a recent CNN article there is much buzz about a copy of the secret formula of Coke being released in the media. However several experts indicate the formula does not matter. “Today, anybody with access to a sophisticated chemistry laboratory could analyze the formula of Coke, but no one can call a product [...]
Filed under: Get Your Big On, Innovation, Invention, Marketing, Start Big | 3 Comments »
Posted on February 15th, 2011 by admin
Yesterday I “broke” my website resulting in the revelation that I am in love with my business. Today I am dealing with the implications of breaking the website. One person it negatively impacts is my business partner. Since I love my business and am truly fond of my business partner I thought I better read [...]
Filed under: Get Your Big On, Innovation, Invention, Marketing, Start Big | No Comments »
Posted on February 1st, 2011 by admin
“What is your strategy?” Ted wants to start his own business. He has worked for a fortune 500 company for many years. He knows his job will be going away soon. His division was acquired by a Chinese company. He is worried if he does his own thing will he be motivated. He also worries [...]
Filed under: Get Your Big On, Innovation, Marketing, Start Big | No Comments »