Leadership Reading Favs

Influence, diversity, inclusion, a-name-for-the-deadbeats-in-a-project-group, and office politics snagged our reading attention this past week and show up in our curated list of reading favs. Enjoy!

Why Inclusion is the New Competitive Business Advantage (Patty Rasmussen, Womenetics)

A great little interview that shreds some good light on how diversity is different from inclusion. “While diversity is certainly linked to inclusion, organizations can be diverse and not inclusive.” Continue reading


Leadership Reading Nuggets

Our Friday leadership favorites are an eclectic collection of articles, blog posts, quotes, pod casts and whatever else engages our interest. Some items are recent, others aren’t. Some are mainstream, others are off the beaten path. Enjoy! Be inspired!

The Tentacles of Our Ways – Why Change is So Hard (Lisa Haneberg, Management Craft)

Change is a required constant in our lives that never gets easier. We love what Lisa has to say: “Think nonlinear. Think messy. Think terrier-like persistence required here. Think wonderfully human and the hardest work you will ever love.”

How Do You Balance Networking and Managing Your Biz? (Keith Ferrazzi on Keith Ferrazzi)

Grab a cup of coffee and watch/listen to this informative video if you’re struggling to determine where on your priority list networking should be. Enough said!

The Ringelmann Effect (George Brymer, The Vital Integrities Blog)

The BIG team loves to learn something new, and that something new this week was this! “When working on a team project, perhaps you’ve observed that while you’re pulling your weight some others in the group are loafing. Researchers call that phenomenon the Ringelmann Effect.”

Taking What You Don’t Deserve, CEO Style (John Hunter, Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog)

Ready, aim, fire! John takes aim at overly generous CEO compensation (the dollar amounts in his table are staggeringly high) and asks some very pointed questions…that need to be asked.

A Big Lesson (Amy Diederich on Start BIG)

A story of caring and redemption! First Amy recounts one awful day and how she took it out on everyone. Then she shares what she learned from her “bad mood hangover.” Priceless!

A quote that filled us with hope! “My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.”  ~Jack Layton

Here’s to using your head to manage and your heart to lead!
