Wishing you the 7 C’s

To enjoy ”being” good in all your “doing” well over the next year, the team at BIG hopes your holiday stocking bulges at the seams with these 7 C gifts!

Character…You walk the talk for being good and doing well. Your ethics and integrity are above reproach because you’re authentic, honest, transparent and have a moral center. You radiate positive energy and determination. You’re self-disciplined. You treat those with and those without power the same. You invite the elephant in the room to dance. Continue reading


7 Leadership Gifts

To fulfill the promise of using your head to manage and your heart to lead, may your holiday stocking bulge at the seams with these seven gifts!

Connection. Connect with your purpose and passions, then work them into your daily living in doses large or small. Take and make the time to connect with others.

Communicate. Engage in two-way dialogue, share freely what you know and actively listen with your head and heart to what others have to say.

Capability. Dare yourself to stretch the limits of your potential and to inspire those around you to do the same.

Celebrate. Smile, laugh, have fun – it feels good and is good for you and those around you!

Courage. Take a stand for what’s good and what’s right, even if doing so is unpopular.

Character. Choose to be a person of integrity, never afraid to be found out. Show care and compassion for all.

Commitment. Dedicate yourself to finding connection, communicating, reaching for your potential, celebrating, and being courageous, sincere, caring and authentic!




Partners, Plants and Learning Progress

While at Continental Cablevision (sadly they are no more), I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Maurice (Moe) Olivier, founder of the Academy for Corporate Excellence. As is his standard practice, Moe had created a customized leadership development program for us focused on the practices of exemplary leaders - using influence, managing change and leading transition, communicating and fostering the right work culture.

All terrific concepts from the content standpoint - yet meaningless if the course participants didn’t adopt, adapt and apply their learnings when they returned to work.. We’ve all probably heard the post-training observation that “yea, it was great stuff, but when I got back to work there was so much to do that I didn’t have time so I just kept on doing what I’d been doing.”

We wanted to cut through that attitude.  We wanted some discomfort to push expanding their comfort zone so new thoughts and actions could be internalized. Our solution: partners and a plant.

Partners…and a plant

Why a plant? Plants need nurturing. Without light and water they die.  Just as leadership principles do when they’re not applied.

We challenged the Leadership for Excellence participants to keep their plant, and learnings, alive by taking and making time. Time to care for the plant and to reflect on how they could keep their newfound leadership skills alive, too. I recently received an email from a course participant who told me that the plant helped him stay focused. He said a dead plant would have been a too obvious sign that he wasn’t keeping his training learnings alive!

Reflect on what you’re doing

Think back to the last training class you attended or to the last management or leadership book you read or the last mentoring session you had. Did you discover great content you wanted to use yet never found the time to make it happen? As with many things in life and leadership, you’re in the driver’s seat for expanding your comfort zone by incorporating new learnings.

3 ways to maximize the results of your leadership training

In lieu of a plant, ponder these ways to push the walls of your post leadership training comfort zone:

  • Get a partner and hold each other accountable for applying just one learning principle. Make that learning nugget come to life - nurture the practice until it becomes second nature for you. Then move on to the next nugget.
  • Adopt the beginner’s mind each time you take a course or read a book to improve your knowledge, skills and abilities. In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few.
  • Embrace the both/and mindset:  yes, I must handle all my normal work duties AND become a better leader by applying what I’ve learned.

And maybe, just maybe, buy yourself a plant  as a visible reminder of what new things you will do and/or be.

What say you?
