
Got Communications?

Course Type: Live Online eWorkshop | 60 minutes 
Date | Time Offered (ET):  Tuesday, November 29, 2011 | 2:00 PM
Presented By:  Jane Perdue, Braithwaite Innovation Group
Price: $24.95

Do you speak with the best of intentions, yet discover that what you thought you said isn't close to what people believe you said?  

If you plan to master the art and science of communicating to be understood, join us in this content-rich session where we'll cover the fundamentals of communicating with impact. Delivering effective communications is a must-have skill in one's leadership toolkit for leading up, down and across.

How You'll Benefit

  • Understand the variables involved in the communications process and know how to impact them
  • Learn how to successfully manage the flow of two-way communications
  • Increase your self-confidence and influence
  • Recognize and avoid the pitfalls that can derail effective communications

What You'll Learn

  • Six steps of the communication process and how to use them effectively
  • How to convey what you mean
  • How to avoid the common barriers that create misunderstandings
  • The basics of structuring your message for maximum impact

Who Should Attend

  • Early career professionals who have been advised to improve the quality of their communications
  • Anyone seeking to improve the quality of their verbal communication skills
  • Supervisors and/or managers seeking to polish up their own communication skills to better lead their teams

Workshop Materials

In advance of the workshop, participants will receive (via email) a booklet containing a summary of session content and space for notes.

If you're interested in this topic yet this date and time aren't convenient for you, or if you'd like to bring this subject to your workplace, please drop us a line.

Jane Perdue

Two monologues do not make a dialogue.  ~Jeff Daly


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